Stare at the cross in the center and eventualy the pink dots will 'fade' away revealing one green dot. But does the green dot really exist. This is proof that we can't always believe what we see, just like all the bogus out there that says there is nothing wrong with the world.



Whats being done...?!? (cont.)


Ok, so in my last post I used the recent WalMart trickery as an example. But that was just the tip of the metaphorical ice-burg.

So now let's look at other myths and things out there...

Global warming is a HUGE issue that affects EVERYONE!. But then why are there so little legitamate* plans to stop it?

Let's look at Syncrude. They claim to be saving the environment by replanting and reclaiming the land thay they no longer use. While this process is great, kudos to them, they just promote this mainly to distract people form, the fact that their refineries are some of the most unefficient in the world! Yes, Syncrudes' main op on Refinery Row is operating at a mere 65% efficiency, compared to the industry standard 80%, and the nationalm average of 98.354. That's right, they don't even meet the standards that THEY organized.

That's just pathetic...

But what does 65% efficiency mean? That means that only 65% of the oil they proccess goes into our gas tanks. What happens to the rest? This low-octane liquid is burned uselessly in a dirty mannar or it is poured into vats which ultimataly leak into the environment.

So there you go... Pathetric.

Let's not support a company that is to cheap to upgrade their refineries from 60's tech that it's sporting. Let's not support the constant destruction of our earth.

* According to The Federation of American Scientists, a legitamate plan is one that is not being driven by a corperate CEO with the objective to make money.

What's being done...?!?

GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!! Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

oh btw this was all written in HTML! that's how I got these effects!

You hear about how screwed up everything is all over the place, on CNN, in the paper, on Facebook, even(maybe!) in chat rooms.

But what is really being done about it? I'd say the global effort is utterly pathetic. Oh, sure you hear about how "OMG, WalMart now uses 30% recycled paper!" They HAVE TO BE environmentaly friendly, right?


Yes, recyceling paper is good, but they choose to advertise this option for 3 reasons:

1:It makes them look good

2: It is the cheapest environmentally "friendly" practice (recycling paper bursn sooooooooooooooo much fossil fuels its insane!

3: It actually saves them money over standard paper and was only orignally decided as an economic move! The big corperate wall-street CEO's don't (pardon my french) give a *bleep* about our environment.

I hope you found this post educational. I will look into the issue of false advertising in later posts!